Stephanie Key’s nude photos have her father’s support

Stephanie Key nude with an octopus photograph

Her photographs, in which she poses naked with food strategically positioned, are being used to promote this year’s Paris Design Week.

Mr Key said he knew his daughter was working on the self portraits, and said he was not surprised by the images.

One of the images shows Ms Key naked with sushi on her breasts and an octopus over her groin.

In another she poses with burger buns covering her breasts.

“I told her to eat her food not play with it. But oh well she’s got sushi all over her,” he joked.

Mr Key said his daughter was “doing incredibly well”, and that the images were part of the brief for the work that she was doing at school in Paris.

He told TV ONE’s Breakfast that he and his family were “really proud of her”.

International media have labelled the pictures “provocative”, “a bit strange”, and the UK’s Daily Mail said they were “raunchy” and a “bizarre erotic photoshoot”.

Mr Key brushed off the comments, saying “that’s the Daily Mail for you”.

via John Key backs daughter over nude snaps – One News | TVNZ.

I really approve of New Zealand Prime Minister John Key’s reaction to his Daughter’s photoshoot. He sent her to one of the best art schools in the world, the Paris College of Art, and is then thrilled to see that she is using her tuition to create the art she wants to create. His comments were not those of a politician, carefully primed and written, heading off a crisis or a threat to his career as some sources have implied, his words are those of a proud dad. not an embarrassed dad, but an encouraging and supportive one.

well done sir!

I am saddened, however, by some of the vitriol I’ve read from artists about Stephanie Key and her nude works. many of them are along the lines of why her and not me? just because her dad can afford to send her to a fancy college, my work is so much better, I’ve seen high school students do better.. for shame! support your fellow artists. it takes courage to have photographs of yourself nude online. it takes courage to create art, especially if you are already in the public eye and you don’t know what the reaction will be. it takes courage and fortitude to be an artist. whether you like their work or not, don’t condemn them – especially publicly. it doesn’t make your artwork look better, it makes you look petty and mean.

I like this piece, there is something arrestingly beautiful and sad about her face and pose. I find it compelling. and before you ask, I couldn’t find an uncensored version. if you know where one is I’ll link to it instead. I’m really impressed that she has been chosen to represent her school, and that she has worked so hard  creating something she wanted to make probably knowing it would be controversial, and that her father has supported her in her work.

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