achieving my goals bit by bit…Online

I have the software, the knowledge, I just don’t have any excuses. my facebook page is going really strong, it could use some videos, some more images (must paint must paint) and a nice branded landing page. something to entice. that’s next weeks project. as far as redesigning my webpage goes, I’ve been using iweb with some haxies to create my page, and it’s good, it’s certainly easy and it doesn’t distract me with fun code to play with, but I need to step it up a bit.

Hey Big Spender… Why the Platinum Club at Daz is worth it

I’ve been a platinum member for almost two years now. not as long as many but when I realized what a huge boon to my work Daz Studio was (and when they released Daz Studio advanced) I decided to take the leap. at first it was monthly, but last year when I got caught up in the October festivities I took out an annual membership and have never looked back!

Artfire, Discovered Artists and Etsy.. oh my!

Arched – 7×5 oils on canvas by Jennie Rosenbaum I’ve been working hard on updating my new pro account at artfire . adding new artworks , updating a blog there with tips, feeding the new stuff to twitter and then wash, rinsing and repeating. some of my descriptions have become a little stale so I am revamping some of them and trying to make these pieces pop.

Subscriptions Update

if you are sick of my twitter updates you can now subscribe to my blog without them! Subscribe to the new twitter free feed here and select your favorite service or click here to receive the twitter free feed direct to your email inbox once per day. I will be updating my subscriptions page to…

all new work added to Discovered artists

Stance by Jennie Rosenbaum I’ve been working at getting all of my online listings up to date including updating all my latest work on Discovered Artists. It’s not the most thrilling activity on the planet but it is all for a good cause. plus my sexy new iMac and Leopard makes it much easier. the…

new blog project

Darren Rowse at Problogger has created a new group writing project- Killer Titles and it has inspired me to start a blog project of my own that I have been planning on for some time…. I know a few of you out there already use it really well (better than me in all likelihood!)… this may be a stupid idea, I don’t know but I’d like to give it a shot – even if it’s only for reference for myself!

Vote for my nude – Freedom

Freedom – 36 x 36 Oils on Canvas by Jennie Rosenbaum With all of the hooraw around my exhibition I’ve been a bit remiss in reporting other things that have been happening. In particular my latest Barebrush success where my work Freedom was chosen to not only kick off the month in the coveted 1st date but also nominated for a curators choice award. I am particularly ecstatic as the curator for this month’s exhibition is Ann Aptaker the exhibitions curator of the Morris Museum .