2015 – How Jennie Got her Groove Back

   This year my word was determination and boy did I have that in spades! Everything I did I did with determination and deliberation, whether it was fun, work, school, feminism, travel, reading, comics, Twitter… I don’t know if I grew up this year, I think I grew down instead, but I had a great…

Crowdfunding image, two pictures of me and two of my artwork on a grid.

Here I go again…

So I made a decision. it was a difficult decision, I hated doing it, but as the Pozible campaign didn’t go through I decided to defer my studies until next year. I came to terms with it and did it. I watched O Week go by with sadness and started to look forward to the next…


For 2015 my word is Determination. It is a good, strong word which sums me up well. I set forth in everything I do with determination and I think I need it to help propel me through the challenges this year is already throwing. I am determined to get through all the ups and downs.…

Divine Agencies is almost here!

My latest exhibition is about to launch. In a week to be precise! Divine Agencies is the latest in my winged figure series exploring therianthropes from around the globe. Across history and across continents these figures have shaped how we view Angels today. It’s not all white robes and snowy feathers people! This series is…

Houri - 36x48 Oils on Canvas

sometimes it sneaks up on you…

Today marks the one year anniversary of the opening of my most successful exhibition to date. I am still elated to see how well it went and inspired to create the next one. but I am also beginning to realize how pervasive my post exhibition depression was. you see, I’m a little bit of an…

Studio update.

It’s been a while since I did a studio update. It’s finally coming together. I have four walls now (which is something you don’t really appreciate until working in an Australian summer under a tin roof-and then you get the power bill for your overtaxed air conditioner…) and a ceiling of sorts. My neighbours probably…