My cycle of work, the peaks and troughs

All my life I have had a very specific way of working. In high school I would research an essay topic up until the day before it was due, then pull an all nighter to get it done. I would cram to study the night before, I would spend all year thinking about gifts to…

Continuing the work…

After a solid week of work in the studio this is the result. It’s probably about halfway to completion now! (apologies for the terrible phone photo! It’s just easiest..) I am undecided about including the straps across the torso from the original render. They are cute, but I don’t want to take away from the…

On my easel… New steampunk nude!

“We’ve only just begun…” The placement for this figure was an enormous challenge as there are large steampunk wings coming in later. I have less than a month to finish this piece so it’s going to be a hard slog to get it all done to the quality I want! There are times I wish…

Russet – Nude steampunk painting

An uneasiness has been plaguing me for a few weeks since I pronounced this painting complete, an unpleasant nagging. It wasn’t until I took a few days away from it that I worked it out. So here it is revised. Same painting, but with some new improvements that just make it better overall.

Where do you find your muse?

I’ve been having interesting discussions lately on the topic of muses and how different artists access their own personal muses. In Greek mythology, inspiration for all the different arts were represented by the muses. Demi gods and goddesses who would descend on artists and grant them inspiration. These days we refer to our muses as…

Nude of the week – inverted

This is the last render created with my old iMac! My trusty iMac is no more, the hard drive has died. The good news is that I now have a very sexy new iMac on order, the bad is that I don’t know how much data was backed up in my time machine backups because…