2014 – the Year The Appliances Died

Most of 2014 was pretty good to me personally (not talking about the state of the world or the Australian government is in- the year for the world kinda blew chunks) but I mostly had a positive year!

My word for 2014 was Assertive and it was a brilliant word for me. So good, I’m considering letting it carry over! I found my voice, I spoke out against the things that infuriated me and grew stronger in my sense of self. I embraced my hidden SJW and no longer apologized for my feminist and intersectional beliefs. I stopped apologizing for existing or taking up space and started to take care of myself. I marketed my work more aggressively and did very well. I started to conquer my fear of cameras and started being less wary about speaking to people, asking for help or admitting that I have mental health problems. I started to let the inner me out more and people didn’t run away screaming! I am getting to a place where I like myself much more.

I re-embraced my sexuality and gender. I didn’t realize being queer and having a child would confuse me quite so much and it took a while to work it all out. But I am much more confident and comfortable in my bisexuality and gender fluidity than ever.

2014 was the year that almost every appliance we owned packed it in. The hand beaters, hair dryer, oven, microwave, the washer/dryer (twice- three times if you consider that the new one is being repaired already – thank goodness for warranties!)

We lost our cat, the very first pet we got together. Saotome was a part of our lives for so long and we miss him dearly. He was a great cat, smart, capable and very loving. Also a terrifying hunter. Our other cat, Kodachi, was bereft without him. We were going to wait but a new cat popped his cute little face into our lives and we couldn’t say no to Kenpachi. So a bittersweet side to the year with loss and new love found. There is no replacement for a family member, but we love our kitten very much.

Yes we name our cats after anime characters.

I went on holiday with my loved ones to Queensland and had loads of fun at theme parks for a week. I had two nights away at hotels with my husband. I went to the zoo and the museum and theme parks and went on rides and had fun. We did science as a family. Miss graduated from kindergarten and can’t wait to start school. She still wants to be an astronaut.

I worked hard on improving my mobility. Despite sickness and pain and exhaustion I tried to not let it impact my work or fun and did things because I wanted to. Even if it was hard it was worth it! I climbed more stairs this year than in the past ten! I’m finally managing stairs.

I had another solo exhibition! I created the best art of my life this year and was proud of the work I put in. I managed the entire exhibition better with more time to paint, better research, I was more relaxed and embraced the marketing better. I have suffered less afterwards and learned more valuable things about exhibiting, marketing and the value of galleries that bring people in. I painted live in the gallery and enjoyed talking with people and singing when no one was around. The acoustics were divine! I donated a piece to the Greens in Prahan and created some fun steampunk pieces.

I swallowed my fears and doubts and applied to study at a university I’ve always wanted to study at. And I got in! Next year I will be doing a Graduate Certificate of Visual Art at the Victorian College of the Arts.

I won a competition to go to Philadelphia and go to NASTAR and train like an astronaut for a day in simulators. I am beyond thrilled that I get to go to the states and do such a once in a lifetime experience.

After mine was stolen 15 years ago, I have a flute again! I still remember how to play and I’m really enjoying the silly little things like playing scales and old performance pieces. I lost my singing voice for months this year and it really helped to embrace a new (old?) instrument. It was a gift from a friend of a friend and such an unexpected and delightful gesture.

So that was my year! It was pretty good all up and I am excited for 2015. I’d love to hear from you- Share your year with me or your hopes for 2015!

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